Sunday, May 31, 2020

Ive Got Time. Ive Got Options. So Why Cant I Choose

“Ive Got Time. Ive Got Options. So Why Cant I Choose” Help from our Community “Ive Got Time. Ive Got Options. So Why Cant I Choose?” * Josephine has the time and the space to work on her shift. But this luxury has her juggling so many interests that she can't figure out how and where to focus. How do you find clarity when your ideas feel chaotic? What's your career history and current job? I'm currently not working in a full-time job. I left my old job in learning and development a couple of years ago, so that I could finish my Master's degree in HR. Since finishing that last year, I've done a bit of travelling and have been trying out different career ideas, working a few part-time jobs while I study for a BA in Psychology and work towards training to be a Foreign Language Teacher. How do you feel about your work? I'd hoped that quitting my old job and taking some time to travel would help me focus, but I've recently found that I'm totally confused. My CV looks good, my thesis is done, I've travelled â€" and I still can't figure out what to do! I'm fairly certain that I don't want to go back into the corporate sector again. In my previous role, I rose up the ranks in an international corporation pretty quickly. I pretty much wanted to quit within the first year but the need for security and the pressure I felt from family and friends to have a professional status kept me going. I ended up bored and overwhelmed. I didn't care about the work I was doing, the environment was overly bureaucratic and I didn't feel like I belonged. I felt like I always had to play a role, which was draining. I do like working with people but I'm better on a one-to-one level. I used to enjoy it when individual colleagues asked for my help with creative projects, for instance. What would you like to be doing instead? I'm currently training to become a teacher in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), but I don't feel like that's really a career â€" it's more of a personal interest. I'm also learning to become a Foreign Language Teacher, but that's not very well paid and I don't think I could handle being in a classroom full of people. I'm also studying for a BA in Psychology because I'm fascinated by how people work. However, to pursue that as a career would take at least six years to qualify, which would take up even more time. So I'm not sure what I'll do with that degree once I'm finished. I want to be doing something productive, something practical. I can't believe I would ever say this, but I miss working! All I know is that I'm happier in a relaxed environment that's not draining, where there's flexibility about the hours I work, and where I feel supported by like-minded people. What's the biggest obstacle in your way? I'm so confused. I can't focus on any single idea and I'm scared that whatever decision I make, it will be wrong â€" I won't earn any money or I'll be back in an environment that makes me unhappy. I feel a lot of pressure to act, as if my time to figure things out is running out. But in spite of all my searching, I can't find the right 'nest'. Having so much going on has actually gotten me into a rut. While I have the funds and the time to focus on what to do next, I find myself feeling that I'm flitting between all the different things I'm doing. In the day, I try to prioritise the psychology because it gives me structure and a goal. But then I worry that's not the right approach as it hasn't gotten me anywhere yet, so I turn to my teacher training. By the time the evening comes, I'm totally zapped and even more confused than when the day started. Some of my friends say I should just get back on the HR train and get a good steady income, which really spooks me. I know I can't face that. Am I approaching things all wrong? How do I figure out what I should focus on? Or should I do something totally different? I need some help to get some clarity. What should I do? Can you help Josephine? Have you been in a similar situation, or are you in the same boat right now? How do you think Josephine could move hershift forwards? Do you know anyone she could talk to? Share your thoughts in the comments below and click the thumbs-up button to show your support. Give Josephine a cheer of encouragement by hitting the thumbs-up button here:

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Writing Service Resume Writing

Writing Service Resume WritingIf you're looking for a writing service resume writer, you should know that there are a lot of things that you should be aware of before you hire someone. You will need to make sure that they do the job correctly and you shouldn't hire a person that doesn't write well. In this article I'm going to tell you some tips that you can use to help you out.A writing service resume will make you look like you have an entire team working to get your application to you. When you hire a company to do this for you, they will bring a team of writers who will all work together to create your resume. They will help you write your keywords, title, and any other important information you may want to include on your resume. But you'll also have to make sure that they are reliable enough that you can trust what they produce.First of all, make sure that the writing service resume writer you are considering is professional and knows what they are doing. Check their website to see if they are qualified to do the job. Make sure that they work with reputable companies and can deliver the work on time. That way you can know that they can deliver what you're looking for.After you've checked their credentials, you will also need to make sure that they understand what you want to say. Look at what kind of information you would like to include in your resume. Will you be talking about what kind of career you had?This is something that you'll need to discuss with the writing service resume writer you are considering. It's important that they know what information you want to put in your resume and what the career you worked on most recently was. Also make sure that they know what kind of information you may not be comfortable putting in your resume, because it might include confidential information that you shouldn't.It's also important that they make your resume look professional and they give you a professional touch. This means they should use formatting that is consistent throughout your resume and they should use a grammar that is very professional and easy to read. A writing service resume writing company should have experience in writing resumes, so make sure that they have a variety of different resumes that they have written.If you aren't comfortable with someone writing your resume for you, then you should just hire the writing service resume writer to do the job for you. Make sure that they follow the basics of writing a resume and that they make sure that you are getting what you want. The last thing you want is for them to give you a poorly written resume and leave you to wonder what went wrong.Hiring a writing service resume writer can really help you with your job search. You'll have more control over the quality of the resume you're sending out, which can end up increasing your chances of getting hired over a regular resume. If you use a good service, you can eliminate the time and hassle of writing your own resume.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

For a successful career, you need this University of Manchester Careers Blog

For a successful career, you need this University of Manchester Careers Blog First, a short quiz. Which of the following are not businesses? •             The University of Manchester •             IBM •             The Whitworth •             RSPB •             Elsevier Publishing •             The Big Issue •             GSK •             Church of England Hopefully you answered “none of them” because that is the correct answer. They are all businesses. In fact, last year the Church of England was recruiting a business analyst. Whether you’re a Masters or PhD, whatever you do next â€" work for a charity, enter the pharmaceutical industry, or work for the NHS, become a teacher â€" you will be working for a business. Even if you are doing a PhD, your supervisor will be managing budgets, generating income, managing outputs (publications, public engagement, teaching), supervising personnel (you, other PhDs, TAs, possibly other staff), planning, prioritising, and generally trying to keep their research, the school, faculty and university healthy and competitive.   These are business activities.   You need commercial awareness. This understanding of the business systems and processes of an organisation is called ‘commercial awareness’.    Commercial awareness is something highly sought after by many, if not all, employers yet something many applicants struggle with.   As a researcher moving into industry or a non-academic environment, you need to understand the drivers for research, as well as the costs and benefits of engaging in research. Developing commercial awareness from scratch be daunting â€" luckily help is at hand in   the form of the plethora of employer events we organise just for you:   All Postgrad-highlighted Postgraduate career planning commercial awareness

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Brand yourself as stuffed on turkey day - happy thanksgiving - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Brand yourself as stuffed on turkey day - happy thanksgiving - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career I want to wish everyone out there a happy thanksgiving from the Personal Branding Blog. Thanksgiving is a time when we give thanks to the prosperity of our own brands, as well as our friends and family. At the dinner table, although our hearts are with the attendees, our minds are on the turkey(see left). I just came out of my meal, after eating turkey, brisket, stuffing and cake. Im so stuffed right now and dont want to see turkey again for a very long time (Ill probably eat leftovers within the week). I think we should all be thankful for having these extravagant dinners on this glorious day. On another note, I think its a great time to reflect on our personal brands. Taking a closer look at how far weve come and our dreams for the future, with the people who know us and love us best. As we move towards the end of 2007, we must keep a few things in mind. Firstly, whether youre a student or CEO, we must assess our network, discovering who has moved positions and may turn into a bridge into a new opportunity. Secondly, its a great time to ask for personal brand feedback, so that we can improve on who we are and learn how we can gather new communication and technical skills that will help us in our careers. Lastly, I feel its important to give back. The more we grow and develop, the more we can offer to others who havent achieved or had the luxuries as weve had. Find someone in your life that you can reach out to and mentor. You can make a real difference in someones lifemore than you would ever know! Happy thanksgiving readers! Subscribe

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Complete Free Resume Builder Is Your Road to Professionalism

A Complete Free Resume Builder Is Your Road to ProfessionalismA completely free resume builder is a great resource that anyone can use to build their own professional resume. There are so many methods out there today for creating resumes, and so many tools you can use, that it can be overwhelming to even think about. This makes the process of building a resume, the very first step in the professional resume process.To get your professional resume to where you want it to be, you need to follow a simple formula. When you do this, the rest of the steps will all fall into place. But, the first step is very important, and all too often, people are simply overwhelmed by all the information out there.You don't have to pay a lot of money for a complete free resume builder. You can easily find tons of resources that you can use, but you don't have to pay for them. Take some time and make sure you use a professional resume builder, a service you can trust to build the best resume possible. You 'll get the benefit of all the free resources out there, plus you'll be able to save a ton of money, which is a very valuable commodity these days.One of the main benefits to using a professional free resume builder is that they usually offer different templates that you can use as well. This is really helpful if you have trouble thinking of a unique way to describe yourself. The best thing about the templates is that they usually offer you a variety of different options, including color schemes and fonts to make it easier to customize.Another major benefit to using a completely free resume builder is that they often have professional cover letters that you can download. These help you ensure that you make it easy for the employer to tell exactly what your experience is, and that you truly represent your skills. Having this completed for you is almost like getting a part time job, because your resume will show your previous work experience as well as your current.A professional resu me builder will have a variety of software that you can use as well. Some of the programs include grammar check and spell check, which will give you the best chance to land the job you want. Since so many people use computers as a tool in the work world, you'll want to make sure you get the best software you can.A completely free resume builder is a great way to get started on the road to building a great resume. It's easy to use, and has everything you need to start immediately. Then, you can utilize the free resources to expand and improve on your resume.A professional resume builder is definitely a valuable resource. All you need to do is take the time to learn how to use them, and they will build your resume to perfection. You'll never have to worry about losing your place, or typing poorly.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

3 Negative Influences Holding Millennials Back in Their Careers -

3 Negative Influences Holding Millennials Back in Their Careers Each generation displays unique characteristics molded from the socio-economic forces in play, reactions to their parents’ generation, and the cultural zeitgeist of the times.Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comThe Millennial generation, born between 1980 and 2000, is often criticized or praised, depending on your viewpoint, for being less enthralled with their careers and the American consumerist quest for “things.” Many factors contribute to the seemingly slow career progress Millennials make.Here are three:1. Slow growing economy out of the recessionevalThe Great Recession that began in 2008 has had lasting economic effects. While unemployment eventually dropped to a rather low rate today, the accompanying growth in the work force has not been matched by a growth in wages.For many Millennials, the recovery has been joyless and frustrating, filled with low-paying jobs and little career advancement. Tax policies that seem to reward only the wealthy have added to the sense of futility hounding many young people looking to build their careers.2. The student loan burdenCurrent statistics show that America has 43.3 million student loan borrowers, with outstanding student loan debt of more than $1.41 trillion. The average debt per borrower is $28,400, and graduate student debt averages $57,600.These numbers cause many Millennials to question the value of a higher education financed by student loans. Some would rather work while attending school part time and avoid going into debt. Others graduate with mountains of debt that takes decades to pay off, and some of these folks go into default.Part-time attendance means it takes up to eight years to obtain a BA, a fact that certainly holds back the careers of many Millennials. Students who default on their loans destroy their credit ratings and potentially poison their chances of getting higher-paying jobs, because of the black mark on their credit histories.Employers check credit histories, and all thing being equal, wou ld be virtually certain to prefer hiring a creditworthy applicant over one that is not. For this reason alone, it is much better to refinance or consolidate student loans than to default on them.3. Conflicting thought processes with older generationsImagine the impact on Millennials who saw their parents suffer through the Great Recession. Many in the older generation lost their jobs and/or their homes. Some had to work two lower-paying jobs to make ends meet.evalIt shouldn’t be surprising, then, that many Millennials might seek different career paths that emphasize happiness and fulfillment over compensation and status. A negative value judgement against this rational choice is totally unwarranted â€" Millennials are acting out based on what they’ve observed, and many don’t like what they’ve seen.The entrepreneurial spirit runs strong in many Millennials, resulting in folks who’d rather work for themselves as owners or contractors instead of becoming employees climbing th e corporate ladder. “Corporate loyalty” is a quaint notion that hasn’t fit the American reality for decades. No one knows this better than the Millennial generation.The future is uncertain and predictions are unreliable, so only time will tell how the Millennial generation fares in the years to come.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Voting on new employees - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Voting on new employees - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog This WP article shares an interesting and rare practice from US grocery chain Whole Foods, that has me feeling a little conflicted: New hires are voted in ? or out ? by their teams after their first 90 days at the company. A two-thirds majority is required to keep an employee on board. The employees quoted like the system because: Existing employees can get rid of new coworkers who dont pull their weight New hires get a sense of acceptance themselves because their coworkers have actively chosen to keep them Im torn on this. On the one hand I see obvious benefits but on the other hand I can also see some pitfalls. What if someone with a grudge against a new hire?campaigns to get that person fired? What if employees see this as management abdicating their responsibility? What if a new hire who gets fired sees this as a rejection by his peers, rather than just a corporate decision? Read the article and let me know what you think. Is this something youd like to see introduced in your workplace? UPDATE: Apparently the article may be explaining the practice wrong. Heres a comment on reddit from a Whole Foods employee: It doesnt really work out as one might assume from the title of this post. No one is fired by vote. Feedback is collected on the new hires performance from all of the existing long term people on the team. It is shared with the new person and either his/her probation period is over or extended according to the performance ratings received by the fellow team members. WFM utilizes the same progressive discipline practices used at most large companies. Related Posts Hiring for Happiness Testing job applicants for sense if humor How to treat new employees Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Positivity Week The End - When I Grow Up

Positivity Week The End - When I Grow Up Purchase these Kind Over Matter cards on prettyfnmess. Its Sunday, Day 7 of Positivity Week. Just a few more hours and then we can all put our cranky pants on, watch Jerry Springer and remember how crapalicious the world is outside: unemployment is the highest its been since the Depression, our parents dont get to retire until theyre 72, the MTA is charging us over $100/mo to provide more delays and less service, there are no more episodes of Flight of the Conchords until next season. Sigh. Ok, wait wait wait! I dont want to sit her in a state of depression and anger and sadness! I want the world to take some Prozac and get better! I want it to be spring already! I want the sun to shine and the birds to sing and all the people to get jobs and have Justin Timberlake be the permanent host of Saturday Night Live (we need a new version of Dick in A Box, Jizz in my Pants aint it. Thats what she said! Wait, that makes no sense.)! If theres been anything that Ive taken away from Positivity Week, its that the world is asking no, begging No, demanding !- some positivity in their lives. They want a reason to smile. They want the silver lining. So, Im adding a new weekly installment to When I Grow Up calling it Sunshine Sunday. A link, a video, a post, a book, a movie, a TV show, a photo of a baby dressed as an animal (I only want to dress my future babies as animals. or celebrities.)..whatever it may be, it will bring some sunshine to the end of the weekend. So, my lovely, beautiful, good-looking, spunky, sparkly, funky, positive readers, what have you gotten from Positivity Week? How has this week changed you? What was your favorite part? Have you decided to keep moving and grooving? Drop me a comment so we can keep on keepin on together.